6. Imagine the Ocean Dry as Lavender ~ Second Cycle ~ The Mediterraneans Beyond Aridity
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The second cycle of "Imagine the Ocean Dry as Lavender" [1] brings OCEAN / UNI back to the Mediterraneans and their warming seas as hotspots for highly interconnected climate risks. The program is developed by TBA21–Academy in collaboration with the research-based curatorial platform EX NUNC. In its first iteration, "Imagine the Ocean Dry as Lavender" focused on the topic of aridity in relation to the Mediterranean Sea and, by extension, to other parts of the world undergoing processes of aridification and "mediterraneization", so to imagine possible planetary scenarios in a rapidly heating climate. During this second cycle, we wish to deepen our enquiry into the connections between climate politics and the ever-renewing processes and modes of coloniality in the Mediterraneans.
In 2022, millions of inhabitants along Mediterranean shores experienced one of the driest and hottest years in centuries. In its Sixth Assessment Report released in April 2022, for the first time the IPCC framed the Mediterranean Basin as a single area with common characteristics and facing a shared emergency, instead of splitting it among different continents. [2]
Desertification keeps on expanding, above and below water. From these amphibious perspectives, we see how the Ocean and the hydrosphere figure a continuum of constant interaction with dry lands, rather than a dichotomy. This understanding invites us to reshape and adapt our narratives, to think with the desert as a place of resilience and adaptation that responds to its ebbing reserves of freshwater, instead of a barren space, devoid of life and inhabitants, that needs to be forcibly regreened, repopulated, and made "productive". Scholar Samia Henni calls for a fight against the so-called "regime of emptiness,"[3] the Eurocentric imagination of desert as inherently deprived, of life and knowledge alike. The empty desert trope responded to the needs of the historical colonial project, which continues to mutate its choreographies of exploitation, extraction, and erasure in contemporary times.[4] Can an analysis of Mediterranean cases help us to recognize the impacts of geoengineering, and to identify neo-colonial continuities in the theory and practice of ecological modernization, while looking for nature-based solutions and micro-refuges?
"Desert and desertification are two key concepts that cut across the fields of philosophy, literature, ecology, politics, and the arts. Their identities are unstable, dynamic, unfixed, and sometimes contradictory, although they are major contemporary figures haunting our imaginaries and defining current politics in relation to ecology," write Ida Soulard, Abinadi Meza and Bassam El Baroni in their book Manual for a Future Desert (2022).[5] With the help of artists, scholars, scientists, activists, and thinkers, this semester keeps on exploring the interconnections between wet ontologies and dry spaces, trying to frame a vision that fits both the desert and the Ocean, projecting this key relationship into a collective space of research. We aim to bring specific visions — both highly localized and planetary — onto shared ground, where aridity is felt as a space of possibility for our common futures.
[1] The title is borrowed from the incipit of a poem by Andrée Chedid, Egyptian-French poet and novelist who lived between 1920 and 2011. See: Andrée Chedid, "Imagine", 1968, in Textes pour un poème, Flammarion, 2014, p. 259. Translated into English by Kamal Boullata in Women of the Fertile Crescent: An Anthology of Modern Poetry by Arab Women, Kamal Boullata (ed.), Three Continents Press, 1978, p. 7.
[2] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a body of the United Nations created in 1988, aims to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities. It coordinates global research efforts and informs governments about the possible natural, economic, and social impacts and risks of climate change, also covering possible response options. Between 1990 and 2022, the IPCC has published six comprehensive assessment reports (AR), the last of which (AR6) will be completed in the Spring of 2023 with the publication of the synthesis report. For the full in-depth report on the Mediterranean region see: IPCC, AR6, WG2, Cross-chapter 4 “Mediterranean Region” (pp. 2235 - 2256). Accessible online HERE.
[3] Samia Henni (ed.), Deserts are not Empty, New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, 2022
[4] On these topics, see: Diana K. Davis, Of Deserts and Decolonization: Dispelling Myths About Drylands, The MIT Press Reader, 2020
[5] Ida Soulard, Abinadi Meza and Bassam El Baroni (ed.), Manual for a Future Desert, Nantes: Mousse Publishing, 2021.
Wednesday, February 1
Session 1
Prologue: For Future Deserts (and Seas)
Keynote Speaker: Bassam El Baroni, Curator and Researcher, Aalto University, Helsinki
Wednesday, February 8
Session 2
Building Utopia: Geoengineering, Megastructures, and Colonialities in the Mediterraneans
Guests: Design Earth, research practice, founded by Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy in 2010; More TBA
February 15 | ACTIVATION
Wednesday, March 8
Session 3
Meeting a Wetland: Flows of water and communities in and around the Mar Menor
Guests: Lorenzo Sandoval, artist and Mar Menor activist, notary for ILP Mar Menor signature campaign; Pedro Luengo Michel, Biologist and representative of Ecologistas en Acciòn in Murcia
Wednesday, March 15
Session 4
Dismantling Mythologies of Emptiness: Against Politics of Erasure and Extinction
Guests: Jumana Manna, Visual Artist; Samia Henni, Historian, Instructor and Exhibition Maker, Cornell University
Wednesday, March 22
Session 5
New Populations at Sea: Interspecies Communities and Extractivism in the Adriatic
Guests: Isabelle Carbonell, sci-fi documentary filmmaker; Tjaša Kogovšek, Marine Ecologist, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Center for Marine Research
Wednesday, April 5
Session 6
Imagining Mediterranean Futures: Beyond the Wet / Dry Divide
Guests: Bochra Taboubi, Visual Artist; Islam Shabana, Visual Artist; Zeina Moneer, PhD in Environmental Politics at Freiburg University, Researcher at Suez Canal University
Wednesday, April 12
Session 7
Hadean Breath: Healing, Toxicity and Geothermalism in Turkey's Aegean Region
Guests: Aslı Uludağ, Visual Artist, PhD candidate at Goldsmiths, University of London; M. Cihat Alçiçek, Professor of Geology at Pamukkale University