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The Ocean Fellowship Program is a funded research opportunity offered by TBA21–Academy and held at Ocean Space in Venice. The paid Fellowship supports participants to work at novel knowledge and practice intersections on and with the Oceans in a time of climate and ecological emergency.

For this program, TBA21–Academy hosts scholars and practitioners from across disciplines to convene for a short but intense period of co-research and development on Oceanic topics. It reflects the Academy’s long-standing practice of mobilizing art and science to promote Ocean literacy, advocacy, and action. Crafted through a wide network of scientists, arts practitioners, activists, and collaborators, the Ocean Fellowship fosters critical discourse and imaginative possibilities around the current status and future of the Oceans in a perilous moment.

How to apply

At the moment, we do not yet have a date for the publication of the next open call. We are taking a break to rethink the format and structure of the Ocean Fellowship.

Please subscribe to our newsletter and continue to follow our social media channels for further announcements.