Echoes of the Sanctuary
A cura di Louise Carver —
For almost a decade, TBA21–Academy has been working alongside the Jamaican community-based science and conservation organization, the Alligator Head Foundation, which manages the East Portland Fish Sanctuary for coral and habitat restoration, working with fishing and upland farming communities through a ridge-to-reef methodology.
"Echoes of the Sanctuary", the 2025 exhibition in Ocean Space’s Research Room in dialogue with "otras montañas, las que andan sueltas bajo el agua" [other mountains, adrift beneath the waves] makes this initiative public in Venice, combining perspectives from science, art, culture, and community, alongside new research from TBA21–Academy related to convivial conservation and deep-sea mining.
“Echoes of the Sanctuary” makes environmental politics legible in Jamaica with critical narratives and evidence bringing historical perspectives, global development agendas, and plural knowledges. Provoking alternative ways of seeing, from the Caribbean coastline to the negotiating halls of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), in Kingston, new pathways emerge for responding to the intractable challenges of our time.
Credits: Coral nursery at the Alligator Head Foundation. Photo by David Lee, f-Stop Movies.
Louise Carver, PhD is a human geographer and political ecologist exploring how governance, knowledge, politics and technologies shape the interactions between environment and society. Her transdisciplinary work follows critical questions of value and valuation in the green and blue economy, specifically in relation to biodiversity. She works across research, policy and contemporary arts and culture settings, bringing these together while bridging science and society for real world challenges. Louise is currently leading a transdisciplinary programme on Convivial Marine Conservation with arts and advocacy platform TBA21 Academy with their partners in Jamaica. She is a founding member of the Convivial Conservation Centre, based at Wageningen University, with a global network of partners reimagining conservation science, practice and economy in the 21st Century.