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Educational Workshops 1,2,3...all down on the floor, and Becoming Ocean, Ocean Space Venice, 2022. In collaboration with FAM Studio. Courtesy of TBA21–Academy. Photo: Arianna Ferraretto.

Educational Workshop

Zoomarino. From the origins of life to the jungle of the sea.

A series of four workshops for children and young people #OceanFamilies


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge

Participation is free of charge but places are limited, booking is required at

As part of Ocean Space's 2024 exhibition program, "Re-Stor(y)ing Oceania" curated by Taloi Havini, and in collaboration with LAS Art Foundation, with the exhibition "Josèfa Ntjam: Swell of spæc(i)es", the educational department offers a series of four workshops for children and students (aged 3 to 25), with an intergenerational and intersectional approach through which participants can discover and learn about the marine microcosm.

Each session is introduced by a scientist, followed by a workshop where participants will be guided in (re)creating a zoomarine environment, experimenting with various artistic techniques. Activities are led by young artists and performers, fostering intergenerational exchange and peer tutoring. The "exhibition space" becomes a poetic place for collective reflection. The series concludes with a final event at the end of September.

The Ocean, with its interspecies, represents the origin of life in all of its many forms.

A proposal to gain new knowledge with an innovative and fun approach.

Who will be the inhabitants of Zoomarino?

Zoomarino. From the origins of life to the jungle of the sea

Saturday, May 4 - first appointment

Time 11am - 12:30pm (ages 6-12 years)

Time 3:30 - 4:30pm (ages 3-5 years)

When we observe a drop of seawater, it appears clear and transparent. However, if we observe it under a microscope, we can see that it teems with life. There are tiny organisms, both animal and plant (zooplankton and phytoplankton), that are unable to swim and therefore use currents to move, carried along by them.

Children will be guided to mimic the movement of water, drawing inspiration from the movement of plankton and phytoplankton, observing real creatures and imagining themselves becoming them. They will be led by a young performer and can use long blue fabrics or strips of colored fabric.


All activities are free with reservations required and subject to availability. For information and registration:

Ocean Families program 2024 has been conceived by TBA21–Academy’s Ocean Space and organised in partnership with LAS Art Foundation and Istituto di Scienze Marine (CNR-ISMAR) in conjunction with the exhibitions Re-Stor(y)ing Oceania and Josèfa Ntjam: swell of spæc(i)es.