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Between Saying and Signing...the Sea

OCEAN SCHOOLS - Teachers training


Zoom Platform
Admission fee
Free of charge

Reservations are required at the following link.



The second online training meeting of the 2023/2024 year, Ocean Schools invites teachers of all levels, educators, and cultural mediators to explore the art of observation in scientific methods and everyday life, in collaboration with the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the National Research Council, CNR-ISTC.

Olga Capirci, Research Director at CNR-ISTC, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, and coordinator of the LaCAM (Language and Communication Across Modalities) Laboratory and the Action, Gesture, and Sign (AG&S) Research Unit, will be a guest speaker. Most of her studies to date have been dedicated to understanding the processes involved in the processing, acquisition, and use of communication and language in various expressive modalities - with a particular focus on gestural communication – in the development of both typical and atypical children (e.g. deafness, genetic mental disabilities, autism). Already an author of over 100 national and international scientific publications, she is a member of the International Society for Gesture Studies, a member of the Institute Council of ISTC, and part of the CNR interdepartmental working group on Accessibility and Universal Design.

The training series continues in the spirit of understanding the sea and making scientific communication accessible to all. Following the introduction to key themes relating to the marine world, the second meeting involves the presentation of Sign Language, the language used by the deaf community and those who practice it. In the educational program, "Ocean The Sign," the graphical, visual, and gestural "sign" will be used as a medium to explore, observe, collect, capture, and create a collective, visual, and performative narrative of the sea and its infinite relationships.


The meeting is reserved for teaching staff of all levels, educators, and cultural mediators.

Participation is free with registration required at the following link.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. The link to join the training meeting will be sent to participants via email on Wednesday, November 8.