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Summer School

Summer School #2: Phenomenal Ocean

TBA21–Academy, The Current II led by Chus Martínez


Ocean Space

Expedition Leader Chus Martínez pioneered a new addition to TBA21–Academy's The Current fellowship programme: a Summer School to engage university students around the most pressing issues of the oceans and exploring contemporary solutions.

Following Martínez’s The Current Expedition #2 to the Solomon Islands in April 2019, this Summer School collaborates with the Art Institute HGK FHNW in Basel for the second year in a row to offer classes and workshops, and develop an overarching group project at Ocean Space. The Summer School will contribute to Convening #2: Phenomenal Ocean, taking place on Sept 28, 2019.

Photo: Enrico Fiorese

The Current

TBA21–Academy’s The Current is concerned with the state of the ocean and the discourse around it and seeks to provide a platform for the cultivation of interdisciplinary thought, the exchange of ideas and new knowledge production. Organised in three-year cycles, the programme centres around annual expeditions at sea and land-based Convenings linked to the exploratory theme of each ocean encounter. Each cycle of The Currentis led by one or more Expedition Leaders selected by the Academy, who in turn nominate Fellows–artists, curators, scientists, and other cultural actors–to join a collective research project unfolding over the three years. The Spanish curator Chus Martínez and Danish artist collective SUPERFLEX have been appointed by TBA21–Academy as Expedition Leaders of the second three-year cycle of The Current. Their projects will run in parallel from 2018 to 2020.

Read more about The Current here.