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Educational Workshop

Animated Science!

Family workshops with Chinese shadows


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge

Booking is required at

In conjunction with the exhibition "Ciguatera" by Diana Policarpo (on show until October 2) and as part of Moving Image Day, we look forward to seeing you for a day of workshops for children and families entitled "Animated science! Workshops with Chinese shadows".

Animated Science: an artist’s sea! With Diana Policarpo

Target age: 6-10 years

Timetable: 11:30am-1:30pm (2 hours)

The Education Department of Ocean Space presents an engaging workshop for children aged 6 to 10 with the artist Diana Policarpo, creator of the installation “Ciguatera”, currently installed until October 2. Children will be guided in their discovery, exploration, and learning about the elements that make up the ocean: water, waves, the seabed, fish, rocks, phytoplankton: how are they made? How do they characterize the ocean landscape?

After discovering the secrets and the variety of these elements, the children, accompanied by the artist, will create and animate the shapes of the ocean through the ancient technique of the Chinese shadow theater.

Animated Science: a game of shadows and water sounds!

Target age: 1-3 years

Timetable: 3:30pm-4:15pm (45 min)

The children, together with mum and dad, and Ornella Carraro (child educator) will be guided in the exploration and discovery of various marine lifeforms in black and white and through playing with shadows. The workshop, intended as an experiential opportunity, will focus on the theme of water, the natural element linked with humankind from its conception, and representing the primary source of nourishment for its existence. The experimental activity, which takes place in the exhibition space, will be accompanied by a background of sounds of the sea and water.

Animated Science: let’s play with shadows!

Target age: 3-5 years

Timetable: 4:30pm-5:15pm (45 min)

Playing with shadows has always stimulated curiosity and imagination, but it also brings us closer to the wonderful world of light. Light and shadow allow you to explore, narrate, transform, and create new worlds, and to get to know others more closely.

By creating the shapes of some animals with their hands, experimenting with torches, cards and shapes of the sea, the children will be guided through an animated marine tale with shadows, and in the construction of a silhouette.


All activities are free with reservations required and subject to availability.

For information and registration: