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The sense of nature

Meeting with Paolo Pecere #listening


Ocean Space
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Paolo Pecere, in conversation with Davide Tolfo, presents his latest book “Il senso della natura. Sette sentieri per la Terra.” (The Sense of Nature. Seven paths for the Earth) (Sellerio, 2024).

A journey into the history of thought, into the past and future of the earth, into the territories where man encounters that which is not human and prepares for a dialogue.


Paolo Pecere is a historian of philosophy and writer of fiction and literary non-fiction. He has published volumes and articles on the relationships between philosophy, natural sciences and psychology in the modern and contemporary age. He is associate professor at the University of Roma Tre. Among his latest books: The God Who Dances. Travel, trance, transformations (Nottetempo, (2021), Soul, Mind and Brain from Descartes to Cognitive Science (Springer, 2020), Risorgere (Chiarelettere, 2019), La vita diretta (LiberAria, 2018)