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Isole (Islands)

Presentation of the book by Nicolás Jaar


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge
In collaboration with

Timeo Edizioni and Libreria Marco Polo

On Sunday, September 8, musician and producer Nicolás Jaar, making his literary debut, will engage in a dialogue with Alice Ongaro Sartori to present his book "Isole," published by Timeo.

This event is a collaboration with the Timeo publishing house and the Marco Polo Bookstore in Venice.


Beneath the ocean lies another dormant ocean, and the islands described by Nicolás Jaar are dreams emerging from its buried depths, evoked with a musical and deeply visual language.

Crystallized images in the timeless realm of fairy tales, revelations, hallucinations, and myth; worlds where nothing is ever as it seems, and everything unfolds in an underground narrative resonating with meaning like a dream we strive to remember: wells whisper in the language of God, ecstasy nestles among the wooden floorboards, skin becomes the paper upon which our messages are entrusted, and from the amplifiers – the most precious weapon against the oppressors' atrocities – simulated gunshots and resistance songs echo.

Nicolás Jaar, a successful musician and producer making his literary debut, creates a shifting mosaic where images flow and return like loops, overlap like samples, reverberate like echoes in a minimal and prismatic narrative whose fragments vanish only to reappear transfigured. Thus, fairy tales give way to revelation; historical accounts to poetry; prayer to theatre.

Exploring these islands means immersing oneself in an abyss of symbols that never seem to be exhausted, elusive fragments of meanings that leave a profound mark on our memory, like the reflections of Recimo's magical mirrors, whose placid distortions infect minds with a mysterious quiet that resembles an enchantment, or a curse.


Nicolás Jaar (1990) is regarded by international critics as one of the most important electronic music producers. Born in New York and raised in Chile, he gained international fame in 2011 with his debut album "Space Is Only Noise." He has since released five more albums under his name, including "Sirens" (2016) and "Cenizas" (2020). He founded the record label Other People, dedicated to experimental music, featuring artists like Lydia Lunch and Pierre Bastien. He composed the soundtrack for Jacques Audiard's "Dheepan" (Palme d'Or winner in 2015) and Déa Kulumbegashvili's "Beginning" (2019). In recent years, Nicolás has mainly focused on teaching, offering courses in sound editing and listening workshops for emerging and beginner musicians at various institutions and events, including Museo de la Memoria (Santiago, Chile), AdBK (Munich, Germany), free.wav (Attappadi, India), Festival 4x4 (Chiapas, Mexico), and Dar Jacir and Alrowwad (Bethlehem, Palestine).

Alice Ongaro Sartori works in the field of visual culture and publishing, with a focus on the intersection between nature and culture. She is part of Wetlands, a publishing house dedicated to social and environmental sustainability, where she coordinates communications and the new series "Afterwords." She co-curated Cinema Galleggiante (2020-2022), MICROCLIMA (2016-2022), and worked on the public program of Ocean Space (2019-2021). She lives, works, and swims in Venice.