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Move Like the Ocean

ocean community gathering


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge

The event will be held in english


Free participation. Booking required for the collective reading session on May 26 via the following link.

Join us at Ocean Space for Move Like the Ocean: an ocean community gathering delving into the looming threats to the deep sea and the collective motions to resist them.

Waves come in sets, moving across the Ocean together before crashing onto the coastline and returning their kinetic energy into the immense body of water. As communities, we also come together in fluid groups, assembling and reassembling to dedicate our energies to different destinations, visions, and dreams.

This May, we get together in Ocean Space, Venice, to move like the ocean to discuss some of the most pressing threats to the Ocean, its seabed, and its inhabitants. Community resistance, from the Pacific to the Caribbean, passing through Europe and the Americas, has been rising to question whether the human species should consider trespassing a boundary to get to a new age of extractivism at sea, or it should rather rethink its ways of co-existing with the Planet.

Through a showcase of ideas and projects emerging from TBA21–Academy’s digital programming around the deep sea, including talks, a collective DJ set, and a collective reading session, over a Venetian weekend for a call for resistance that spans across the countless corners of the Ocean and those who live in it and love it.


  • Saturday, May 25, 2024

5–7pm | Deep Sea Mining & Community Resistance

Panel discussion with Mekhala Dave, Fiona Middleton, and Pietro Consolandi, moderated by Aleksandra Czerniak + “Blue Peril” movie screening + presentation of short videos from the workshops “Shaping the Invisible” with Lara Garcia Reyne.

The panel discussion will dive into the topic of deep-sea mining, the deep ocean ecosystem, and what it means to culture the deep sea. Through the experience of the last semester of TBA21–Academy's online learning initiative OCEAN / UNI, focused on the deep sea, we will explore how we, as a community, can engage with the deep. The discussion will be followed by a screening of the film “Blue Peril”, and a presentation of videos from the “Shaping the Invisible”, the videomaking and montage workshops with filmmaker and editor Lara Garcia Reyne.

7–9pm | Aperitivo & ocean community DJ set by GRLMONSTER69

An ocean comm/uni/ty DJ set will bring together rhythms from all across the seven seas. We will play songs that make us move like the ocean. The tracklist was prepared in collaboration with the ocean comm/uni/ty.

  • Sunday, May 26, 2024

10–12am | Arpentage: reading group around "The Hydrocene Eco-Aesthetics in the Age of Water" by Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris.

We will go through the book utilising the "arpentage" method, developed by French factory workers in between the world wars to read complex texts - specifically marxist theory - in a collaborative way. A group ofup to 15 participants will receive different parts of the book, and will have time to read them and take notes, before reconvening and collaboratively reconstructing it.

Registration via this link.