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Educational Workshop

The role of Contemporary Art in the Scientific Debate

The importance of Mediation and Education


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge

Reservation is required at


In collaboaration with the Educational Department - Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation of Turin

Despite their sometimes hostile and hard to decipher appearance, works of contemporary art are formidable devices for understanding and interpreting the present, acting as a magnifying glass on the reality we live in, and which artists interpret in critical and creative ways. Reading a work of art can therefore become an opportunity to address the fundamental issues of both artistic practice and today's society, a way to reflect on the phenomena that characterize the world in which we live, allowing for the development of a critical conscience, and a new way of looking at the present.

During the meeting, tools for reading contemporary works of art will be discussed and used, using works by important contemporary artists and the strategies used by the Educational Department as a foundation to bring them closer to all audiences.


- Annamaria Cilento, Educational Department of Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation of Turin.


The meeting is reserved for teaching staff of all levels, educators and cultural mediators.

Participation is free but reservation is required at The capacity of Ocean Space is reduced to ensure participation in the meeting in total safety, in compliance with health and safety regulations.

Inside Ocean Space the use of a mask is mandatory, and participants’ temperatures will be measured upon entrance.