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Educational Workshop

Water books

Animated and accessible readings for all ages


Ocean Space
Admission fee
Free of charge

In collaboration with Kid Pass


Registration required at the following link

Saturday, September 21, in collaboration with Kid Pass and author Stella Nosella, Ocean Space hosts the third edition of "Water Books", a day of inclusive aquatic-themed readings and workshops. The educational activities dedicated to children, young people, and families will involve authors and illustrators who will lend their voices to the narration.


  • 11 – 11:30am | Welcome Ceremony

Participants will be welcomed by the elderly of the San Lorenzo RSA. During this occasion, the prestigious “Golden Heart” award from Kid Pass will be delivered.

  • 11:30am – 12:30pm | “Let me go. When the orcas came to Genoa”

Author Claudia Fachinetti will conduct the activity.

Animated reading of the illustrated book “Let me go: when killer whales come to Genoa,” published by Piemme editions, with author Claudia Fachinetti.

Age: 10+ years old

  • 11:30am 12:30pm | “Down in the Blue. From the surface to the abyss: a browsable underwater journey”

Author Gianumberto Accinelli will conduct the activity.

Animated reading of the illustrated book “Down in the Blue. From the surface to the abyss: a browsable underwater journey.” published by Nomos editions, with author Gianmberto Accinellii, a recipient of the prestigious international BRAW Award.

Age: 7+ years old

  • 2:30 – 4:30pm | “Blue and Wild

Illustrator Monica Parussolo will conduct the activity.

Animated reading of the book “Blue and Wild,” published by Sunset & Venice, with illustrator Monica Parussolo.

This will be followed by a workshop that will stimulate children in discovering the varieties and peculiarities of marine animals that inhabit Baja California.

Age: 7+ years old

  • 4:30 – 5:30pm | “Blue and the fisherman who hunted her"

Illustrator Erika De Pieri will conduct the activity. Italian sign language interpreting service is provided.

Animated reading of the illustrated book “Blue and the fisherman who hunted her,” published by Lavieri, with illustrator Erika De Pieri and the assistance of an LIS interpreter.

This will be followed by a workshop exploring whales, where children can create artistic memories.

Age: 7+ years old


Kid Pass is the national reference point for discovering the best experiences dedicated to families. Through the portal, it publicizes events and projects aimed at young children and many proposals for experiencing quality parent-child time. On several occasions during the year it promotes edutainment and reading promotion initiatives in collaboration with museums, cultural spaces, public and private entities throughout Italy. Kid Pass is based at VEGA, a science and technology park in Venice.

Claudia Fachinetti studied marine biology, but after graduating she chose to dedicate herself to naturalistic dissemination and journalism. She has collaborated with numerous science and environmental magazines, and has published several books for children, including Ninna il piccolo riccio con un grande cuore (Ninna the little hedgehog with a big heart) (2019), Vito il gatto bionico (Vito the bionic cat) (2020), and Lasciami andare. Quando le orca arrivarono a Genova (Let me go. When the orcas came to Genoa) (2023). Her first illustrated book, Un bosco nUovo(A new wood), is dedicated to animals, the undisputed protagonists of her books.

Monica Parussolo is an artist, illustrator and art teacher. She trained in Art Pedagogy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and attended the International School of Illustration in Sarmede. She has published works both in Italy and abroad, and in 2021 one of her illustrations was selected for the Annual of Autori di Immagini, one of the top Italian publications in the field of illustration. Monica is the Art Director of an editorial series of illustrated books for the Simebooks publishing house and designs experimental art workshops for children, teenagers and adults.

Erika De Pieri made her debut in 2005 as a comic book author and, since 2009, she has specialized as an author and illustrator for children. She has collaborated with the Lavieri publishing house for numerous projects, including Il gigante e il cavaliere (The Giant and the Knight) (2022) and La volpe che amava i libri (The Fox Who Loved Books) (2023).

Gianumberto Acinelli is an entomologist, a best-selling book author and science popularizer. His book Down in the Blue was awarded the prestigious international BRAW Award. He has written numerous books including The Wonderful Life of Butterflies, The Wonderful Life of Bees, and The Invisible Threads of Nature. The latter book has been published in Germany, China and Spain. Gianumberto loves to tell stories about nature on the radio. Every Thursday morning he connects with Radio Deejay's Il volo del mattino program and every Saturday morning he is live from Corso Sempione with Rai Radio 2's Ovunque6 program.