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Edu Day

Edu Day 2024



Chiostro M9
Admission fee
Free of charge
Event reserved

for teachers and educators of all levels.

Ocean Space invites teachers, educators and school principals to attend the sixth edition of Edu Day, the event that links the schools and cultural institutions of the Veneto region.

Museums represent a cultural meeting place; a treasure trove containing the past and the future, tradition and innovation, and a means of promoting multidisciplinary learning. The initiative, in its seventh edition, was conceived by ​​a network of over 30 cultural institutions operating in the Veneto with the aim of providing a service to the world of education.

EDU DAY 2024

The 2024 edition of Edu Day will be held on Monday, September, 3 from 2 to 6pm in Mestre, in the M9 Cloister and the Candiani Cultural Centre.

It offers a day dedicated to connecting the museums and cultural institutions of the region with teachers working in kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools, who on this occasion will be given access to an overview of the educational and didactic programs offered by museums, exhibition centers, libraries, theaters, and other foundations in the region. Participation is free and without reservation.

Ocean Space will be located inside M9 Cloister. No reservations needed.

From 3 to 4:30pm, on the fourth floor of the Candiani Cultural Center, the training seminar for teachers "Reflected Mirror" will take place. The seminar is curated by Ilaria del Gaudio, professor in Art Pedagogy and Didactics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

Seats are limited, and registration is mandatory.

The initiative involves some of the most important cultural institutions in the area, testifying to the desire to create a network and to build an ever better teaching method: Artsystem, Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Comune di Venezia - Settore Cultura e Servizio Attività Strategiche Progetto Con-tatto, CoopCulture, Direzione Regionale Musei Veneto - DRMV, Distretto Veneziano della ricerca e dell’innovazione - DVRI, Fablab Venezia - Education, FAI - Negozio Olivetti Villa dei Vescovi e Memoriale Brion, Fondazione dell’Albero d’Oro - Palazzo Vendramin Grimani, Fondazione di Venezia, Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - MUVE, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia Onlus, Gallerie d’Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Gallerie dell’Accademia, Le Stanze della Fotografia, Istituto Regionale Ville Venete, Musei Civici di Vicenza, Museo della Centuriazione Romana - Borgoricco, Museo della Calzatura di Villa Foscarini Rossi, Museo Diocesano Vicenza, Museo Ebraico di Venezia, Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova, M9 - Museo del ‘900, Ocean Space, Palazzetto Bru Zane, Palazzo Grassi - Pinault Collection, Palladio Museum, Direzione Prevenzione, Sicurezza Alimentare, Veterinaria - Regione Veneto, Staff Dentro L’Arte - Barchetta Blu, Teatro Stabile del Veneto - Teatro Nazionale, The Home of The Human Safety Net, Villa Valmarana ai Nani.