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Educational Workshop

Adventures among the pages – let's read at the museum


In collaboration with

Kid Pass

Ocean Space is pleased to participate for the fourth consecutive year in "Adventures among the pages – let's read at the museum!", the large event spread across Italian museums and cultural spaces that will come to life on November 10-11-12, 2023, with many creative readings and activities. The national project is conceived by Kid Pass to give a voice to childhood reading as the protagonist in museums, bringing together families, children, and teenagers.

Ocean Space joins the initiative with an animated and creative reading of "Giù nel blu. Dalla superficie agli abissi: viaggio sottomarino sfogliabile" (Down in the Blue. From the surface to the abyss: a flip-through underwater journey), in the company of the author Gianumberto Accinelli. The book is illustrated by Giulia Zaffaroni and published by Nomos Edizioni, and it narrates the life of marine species from the surface to the depths.

It is possible to attend the event via live streaming on Friday, November 10, 2023, at 4pm on Kid Pass's Facebook page and YouTube channel. The video will also be available on demand on our channels.